Philly Green & White Rally to Bring Back Our Girls! Sat. May 17th

On May 17, 2014, Philly Nigerian Professionals (PNP) in collaboration with Handbag4Peace, N.A.YA and AFRIPRO, organized a #BringBackOurGirls solidarity rally titled “Green and White Rally for Peace”. 

Since the news broke of the abduction of over 234 school age girls by Boko Haram, PNP has sought to create awareness about the issue on social media platforms, as well as news stations (See HereHere and Here for our interviews with TV stations in the Philadelphia area). 

Our goal for the rally was to encourage Nigerians in Diaspora to not only pay attention to issues concerning Nigeria, but also get involved by volunteering their time and resources to organizations who work directly in/with Nigeria to bring about development.

The rally featured Nigerian professionals working in the Philadelphia area, as well as friends from different countries who were standing in solidarity with us during this crisis. They spoke candidly about the missing Chibok girls, and how the crisis has challenged them to do more in the development of our once great nation. A recurring theme in all the speeches was the fact that this crisis and terrorism as a whole is a condition that transcends religion and ethnic affiliation. The crisis speaks to the core of our humanity and reminds us that we are first and foremost human beings before anything else. Speaking up for the missing Chibok girls was the same as standing up for humanity.

We also had a message board where audience members could sign as evidence of their participation in the rally to #BringBackOurGirls. YeMi also thrilled the crowd with a heart felt rendition of “lean on me” and “we will not be moved”. For everyone who was unable to attend the event, here’s what you missed!



One Comment on “Philly Green & White Rally to Bring Back Our Girls! Sat. May 17th

  1. Pingback: Philly Stands Up for The Chibok Girls | The Versatile Nigerian

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